When starting out as a photographer there is the struggle of finding a strong client base, and if you desire to become a celebrity commercial photographer (such as myself) then you have an even more shallow pond to fish from. It is a competitive and cut throat business to say the least. This is why I highly advise you to get on every photographer networking site you can ... and keep it updated! In a bind clients turn to these sites for shooters.
I have shot two covers for Humor Mill Magazine now and wanted to share the great experience. Humor Mill came across my work from a photography networking site and contacted me out of the blue on a Tuesday evening asking if I was available to shoot on that upcoming Saturday. The Cover and Inside Story...My 1st cover and inside story at that. I of course jumped on the opportunity to shoot Chico Benymon. The shoot with Chico went great as HMM & Chico were extremely pleased with every captured shot. A few months later I received a call to shoot Elise Neal for the Cover and Inside story. I jumped on the op and from that am doing a personal shoot for her as well.
Frank and Bernadette Holder the owners of Humor Mill Magazine are a family based, down to earth client. They make the shoot's so enjoyable. It feels good to hear your client energetic and enthusiastic about your work on set. The more praise the better you shoot as your confidence levels go up...Similar to a comedian on stage - the more the audience is into the performance the better performance you give!
You never know what connection leads to your next...so put your work out there!